Heaton Environmental, Inc.
"Excellence by Choice"
Heaton Environmental’s president, Terry L. Heaton, is an experienced Environmental Auditor, a trait not commonly found among those at his same level of corporate management. His background and training give Heaton Environmental a heightened sense of responsibility, to infuse quality control in every project. Project managers understand that a project will only be its best, if every step of the project has received the maximum quality assurances along the way, beginning with the very first step.
Heaton Environmental is dedicated to keeping it's employees up to date on all accreditation's and new research findings. Continuing education is a priority for us. We pride ourselves in teaming up with the foremost authorities in every field we work in. Below are a few of the associations we value in the industry.
Heaton Environmental has been providing environmental testing and consulting services since 1996. Initially, Heaton was focused primarily on asbestos surveys. As the company grew, however, it developed expertise in other areas within the environmental industry. Today, Heaton provides environmental testing and consulting services in areas such as indoor air quality, mold, asbestos, bacteria, lead, VOCs, radon, ground/drinking water, soil, noise, etc. Heaton’s clients include insurance companies, remediation contractors, property management companies, churches, government contractors, educational institutions, hotels, and individual home and property owners. Heaton’s common-sense approach and non-hyped objectivity have established Heaton as a trusted brand in the industry. If there is a difficult environmental problem to solve, Heaton will address it.